Celebrity Trainer Dan Wells Shares Fitness Motivation Advice and His Experience as a Celeb Trainer

Dan Wells

Dan Wells is a celebrity trainer who has worked with celebs like Teri Hatcher, Ian Ziering, and James Marsden. He has got some simple ideas about getting started with the workouts and sticking to them. He also shares some of the bizarre things related to his celebrity training experience. Have a look at his ideas over here.

How to Start and Keep at Working Out?

Dan has got a simple method for starting off a workout routine and keeping at it. If you want to start a workout, you should get started by hitting the gym and staying motivated. You can stay motivated by being accountable for your workouts. In order to be accountable, make sure that you build a community around you. The community of fitness enthusiasts would keep you motivated to workout every day. If you have got a person who can support you through the exercises, you will start getting results that you never imagined.

Dan Wells workout

Getting Out of Bed Every Day

If you wish to stay fit by working out daily, you need to make sure that you leave your bed on time. In order to do that, the fitness expert suggests that you use some innovative ideas. Some of the ideas that can help are posting your progress on social media, keeping gym shoes near your bed and filling your fridge and pantry with healthy foods.

Why He Became a Fitness Trainer

The California native became a fitness trainer because he wanted to help people change their lives. He opened his gym so that people can transform their lives on that platform. He hopes to bring more light to the lives of the people as it helps him to be who he is.

Dan Wells working out

Biggest Challenges of Celebrity Training

The biggest challenge the owner of two CrossFit Horsepower gyms faced when training celebrities is that they don’t have time. When working with a celebrity, you need to find some time from their busy schedule so that they can be trained regularly.

Most Celebs are Motivated

The CrossFit Games competitor also believes that most celebrities don’t need any motivation to stay fit. They already have a goal most of the times and he just needs to work with their expectations. He also tries to ensure that the celebs coming to his gym don’t get too much preferential treatment, reports Toofab.

How Can Celebrity Training Be Complicated?

The nutrition expert thinks that training celebrities can often be very difficult at times. He says that some celebs want too much attention and they want to get catered at every step of the way. He is fine with that and handles the demands of such celebs well. He focuses on getting results out of them by giving them the attention they seek.

Fitness Tips for Dan Wells Fan

Don’t Starve Yourself

One of the things the ripped man doesn’t want you to do is to starve yourself. He thinks that when a person is starving, the body starts preserving extra fat and shuts down the energy system. People often think that lack of energy is temporary and it would get resolved automatically. But it won’t. Never starve yourself, eat healthy foods.

Dan Wells showing his ripped body

Bulking Up is Good

Many people also make the mistake of getting afraid of bulking up which is surely a mistake as a pound of muscle is hardly one-third the size of a pound of fat. Bulking up is often good as it helps you to look fit and the biggest difference come in your physique. You start looking extra good in the clothes you wear on a day to day basis.

Well, after going through the ideas shared by the renowned trainer, we can say that he believes fitness is all about sticking to your fitness routine and eating the right foods rather than starving. And we agree with him.

Want more? Check out the official website of Dan or follow him on Instagram and Twitter.
