How to get a Kobe Bryant build in NBA 2K23

Very few superstars in the world of basketball are as renowned or influential as the late Kobe Bryant, and his popularity is evident within the realm of NBA 2K23 as well. With the introduction of the new replica build system, gamers are eager to learn how to imitate and pay tribute to this legend of the sport by fashioning their created superstar around him.

Replica builds are types of easter eggs in NBA 2K23. By assigning the appropriate attributes to their created superstar in the MyPlayer builder, fans can unlock special replica builds that are named after the nicknames of real-life athletes. Kobe Bryant's build is available under the iconic 'Mamba' title, making the experience even more authentic and immersive for his fans.

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Fans can unlock Kobe Bryant's 'Mamba' replica build in NBA 2K23

Kobe Bryant is an iconic figure for fans of basketball and sports enthusiasts in general. Bryant's approach to his craft and his strive for perfection led to the coining of the term Mamba Mentality, which has been replicated on the virtual court of NBA 2K23 as well. With this latest replica build, gamers can now take on the Mamba moniker and style their created player based on the legend himself.

How to create the replica build in NBA 2K23?

Similar to all other such builds, the devil is in the details. Not only must fans assign similar physical attributes and jersey numbers to their MyPlayer build as showcased by the legend himself, they also have to replicate his in-game stats.

There are two separate builds for Kobe:

#8 Kobe Bryant

  • Position: SG
  • Hand: Right-Handed
  • Jersey Number: 8
  • Height: 6’6″
  • Weight: 200 lbs
  • Wingspan: 6’11”
  • Close Shot: 88
  • Driving Layup: 90
  • Driving Dunk: 87
  • Standing Dunk: 32
  • Post Control: 60
  • Mid-Range Shot: 86
  • Three-Point Shot: 71
  • Free-Throw: 77
  • Pass Accuracy: 76
  • Ball Handle: 81
  • Speed With Ball: 78
  • Interior Defense: 61
  • Perimeter Defense: 87
  • Steal: 69
  • Block: 46
  • Offensive Rebound: 48
  • Defensive Rebound: 51
  • Speed: 80
  • Acceleration: 79
  • Strength: 68
  • Vertical: 80
  • Stamina: 98

#24 Kobe Bryant

  • Position: SG
  • Hand: Right-handed
  • Jersey Number: 24
  • Height: 6’6″
  • Weight: 200 lbs
  • Wingspan: 6’11”
  • Close Shot: 84
  • Driving Layup: 90
  • Driving Dunk: 77
  • Standing Dunk: 32
  • Post Control: 60
  • Mid-Range Shot: 86
  • Three-Point Shot: 71
  • Free-Throw: 78
  • Pass Accuracy: 77
  • Ball Handle: 81
  • Speed With Ball: 78
  • Interior Defense: 54
  • Perimeter Defense: 88
  • Steal: 69
  • Block: 53
  • Offensive Rebound: 38
  • Defensive Rebound: 56
  • Speed: 80
  • Acceleration: 86
  • Strength: 70
  • Vertical: 85
  • Stamina: 92

By using either of these builds, gamers will unlock the Mamba replica in NBA 2K23, and will be able to embark on their MyCareer journey with the abilities of the legendary superstar.

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