Kenya Moore Visited Dr. OZ To Address Her Pregnancy And The Preeclampsia Condition

Kenya Moore is a busy woman despite the fact that she had given birth not too long ago. It seems that Brooklyn’s mom was invited to the Dr. OZ show where she discussed her pregnancy and she also addressed the dangers of preeclampsia. Check out her Instagram post:

‘I hope you guys watched my @dr_oz show about my pregnancy and #preeclampsia. It’s a serious condition that if not treated soon early enough can result in death. Further, the mortality rate of black women in the US postpartum is the highest amongst any race. Why are we dying after giving birth? #please help me bring awareness and find solutions, so our mothers survive giving birth. #droz #kenyamoore #rhoa #medical #pregnancy #help’ Kenya captioned her post on social media.

Her followers and fans were supportive as always, and some of the female followers shared their own experiences.

Someone said ‘Awe @thekenyamoore you got them mummy eyes from waking up and constantly checking on baby. Got those in my 1st six months when I got my miracle babby. It shows u are doing a great job. Cherish them sleepless nights; it can only get better. 💖💖💖’

Another follower wrote that they are ‘Glad your pregnancy and birth were successful…I had preeclampsia n I gave birth 12/98 was due 4/99…. a lot of health issues 1lb n 6 oz but God is Good he’s grown now @thekenyamoore.’

Someone else was grateful that Kenya shared her story: ‘Thank you for sharing your experience Black women are ten times likely to die from almost every diagnosis & it’s because we are not studied which is why we need our own researchers and laboratories to do so.’

One supported related to Kenya’s story and said ‘So true, I had complications after giving birth, was in the hospital for 15 days – but thank god my baby was able to be with me.’

Kenya was recently criticized by fans for wearing a fur coat while out with her baby Brooklyn.
