Nick Cannon obligated to pay child support regardless of how many children he has

I guess Selling Sunset is super popular–the seventh season just premiered a couple of days ago on Netflix and over the weekend, people have been talking about the drama. One of Nick Cannon’s partners, Bre Tiesi, stars in the show. She and Nick have son Legendary Love, 11 months, together. In one of the new episodes, Bre says something really weird about the court capping child support based on how many kids someone has. Now her lawyer is fact-checking what Bre said in a statement to People:

Bre Tiesi’s lawyer is speaking out after the Selling Sunset newcomer claimed on the series that Nick Cannon — the father of her 10-month-old son, Legendary Love — doesn’t have to pay child support.

In the seventh episode of the popular Netflix series, costar Amanza Smith asks Tiesi, 32, if it’s true that someone doesn’t have to pay child support after having 10 children. (Cannon, 42, is a dad of 12.)

“That’s true,” Tiesi responds as the pair share cocktails. “The way it works is like, after 10, the court can basically say he can’t afford to pay child support. Or because he is who he is, they could say, ‘We know you can afford X amount for each household.’ ”

But, in a statement shared with PEOPLE, Neama Rahmani, a lawyer who represents Tiesi, says that’s not the case. “Nick, or any father, is obligated to pay child support under California law regardless of the number of children he has,” Rahmani said.

“Courts consider the parents’ income, the cost of child care, and the amount of time the child spends with each parent,” he continued. “Judges do not cap child support after a certain number of kids.”

A representative for Cannon did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment.

From People

I’ve never seen Selling Sunset but I watched the conversation between Amanza and Bre on Netflix so I could see if there were any smoke-and-mirrors reality TV tricks. (I had to rewind it a few times because the Amanza lady is wearing one of those goofy Kardashianesque outfits where the sleeves become full gloves and it was distracting. I lived in the LA basin for most of my life. I can tell you that wearing an ensemble like that outdoors in LA is a one-way ticket to getting a heat rash.) When the women talk about child support for Bre’s son Legendary, there’s a little bit of slick editing and I get the sense that some context was edited out. That’s just my reality TV spidey sense and I could be wrong. If anyone else has seen the episode, let me know in the comments if you think I’m off base on this–like I said, I’m not super familiar with the show.

Anyway, I’m glad her lawyer is laying out the facts. Nick is not going to get out of his legal obligations so easily, at least not where Bre’s concerned. Something tells me that one of Nick’s lawyers or associates (or Nick himself) fed Bre this line about there being a cap on child support after someone has ten kids. I mean, who else would be motivated to tell her something like that? In the rest of the conversation she makes clear that she doesn’t need Nick financially or for any other reason, at one point saying “a vibrator would be more helpful.” And you know what? Vibrators can’t have kids with a bunch of other ladies, so she’s not wrong! Also, I don’t believe in judging any of these women for having Nick’s babies. I know it’s tempting, but as far as I see it, they are not the root of the problem that Nick has created. Even if she doesn’t need him, I hope Bre and all the mothers of Nick’s children get the support they’re entitled to. From comments he’s made in the past, I’m not sure they are. Maybe they should all lawyer up like Bre apparently has.

Photos via Instagram and credit Netflix
