Poker-playing tycoon on Million Dollar Matchmaker wants to slap Patti Stanger with what?

Patti Stanger is branded a “bitch” by a poker-playing tycoon on this week’s Million Dollar Matchmaker — who also makes a crude comment about slapping her in the face.

Jason Karniol, a ticket broker who is also seemingly a high-roller, tells Patti he thinks he can read women like he can his rivals at the poker table.

She puts him through a test where he has to meet singles — every one of whom she classes as a “10”.

But each time he meets them she gets them to do something fake that could potentially annoy Karniol, to see if he can pick up on them putting on an act.

When he fails every single test she tells him that she doesn’t think he can read women as well as he thinks — but he soon starts to lose his cool.

He then comes out with the bombshell, saying he wants to slap her with part of his male anatomy.

Patti asks him: “You think because you play $7,500 poker that you can read women? You can’t read s**t.”

Karniol yells back, pointing at Patti and assistant Candace Smith: “I can read you two, and you’re both bitches!”

Million Dollar Matchmaker airs tonight at the new time of 9pm ET/PT on WE tv.
