Seth Rollins to lose his World Heavyweight Championship to a 21-year veteran at WWE SummerSlam 2023?

As you may know, WWE crowned Seth Rollins as the inaugural World Heavyweight Champion following his win against AJ Styles at Night of Champions. The Visionary has had a decent run with the title on the main roster. However, he could drop his championship to LA Knight at WWE SummerSlam 2023.

A recent report has revealed that The Architect could have a short reign as the World Heavyweight Champion, possibly dropping his title at WWE SummerSlam 2023. The report further states that the company is planning to have the Men's MITB winner successfully cash in the briefcase on a main title at the Biggest Party of the Summer.

Given LA Knight is rumored to win the Men's Money in the Bank Ladder Match, plus the fact that Roman Reigns doesn't seem to be losing his title any time soon, the odds of Knight dethroning The Visionary at SummerSlam can't be ruled out. The 40-year-old star could potentially win the briefcase to successfully cash it on Rollins this Summer.

On another note, Knight has managed to make a name for himself thanks to his unparalleled charisma and captivating promos. Despite being a heel, the 40-year-old star gets immense love from the WWE Universe. Hence, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have him win the MITB briefcase before cashing it successfully on Rollins at SummerSlam.

Former WWE Head Writer wants Roman Reigns to beat Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Title

While fans have been wondering about potential names who could defeat Seth Rollins to become the new World Heavyweight Champion, wrestling veteran Vince Russo thinks that Roman Reigns should dethrone The Visionary to form one quintessential championship.

Speaking on the latest episode of Writing with Russo, Vince Russo said:

"I would do something as crazy as this - let Roman [Reigns] compete for it. Let Roman win it, then let him say 'Bro, I ain't walking around with three belts, I have to go through airports'. And like the old days, 'I'm going to melt all the gold together and we're going to have one belt because I cannot be carrying three belts around with me.' I would do something like that and whatever the name is going to be and do something from there. That's the thing, it's illogical, you know it's illogical and that it makes no sense, but the WWE Universe will buy anything," Russo said.

Check out the entire episode below:

Do you want Roman Reigns to defeat Seth Rollins and capture the World Heavyweight Championship? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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