TLC 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After Recap 08/09/20: Season 5 Episode 9 Burnt Bridges and

TLC '90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After' Recap 08/02/20: Season 5 Episode 9 "Burnt Bridges and Bitter Truths"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? airs with an all-new Sunday, August 9, 2020 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After season 5 episode 9 “Burnt Bridges and Bitter Truths,” as per the TLC Synopsis “Andrei spirals out of control at a family dinner; Jess confronts Colt about Vanessa.

Karine gives Paul a final ultimatum; Asuelu’s family turns on him; Larissa and Eric reopen Pandora’s Box; Angela asks Michael to make a big decision.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

Tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Things got heated in Brazil. Everything kicked off after Jess found out she’s been lied to. Jess was jealous of Colt’s relationship with his good friend Vanessa and she had even asked Colt not to speak with Vanessa anymore. Colt agreed. He swore he wouldn’t talk to Vanessa anymore and it turns out that was a lie. He was still talking to her. He had asked Vanessa to watch their cats with both him and his mother out of town and his mother Debbie let it slip to Jess. Jess found out that Vanessa was in and out of Colt’s house everyday and she hadn’t reacted well. She lashed out at Colt. She accused him of lying.

Jess fled his mother’s hotel room. She wanted to get away from both Colt and his mother and Colt wanted to go after her. Colt claims to really care for Jess. He said he realized that his mother was trying to break them up and that he wasn’t going to let that happen. He said he was going to fight for Jess. Colt also admitted to being a little fearful of the situation. He said Jess’s reaction had reminded him of his ex-wife Larissa’s reaction to his female friends. Larissa tried to cut him off from his friends and he said he didn’t want to happen again with Jess, but his chief concern is for Jess because he knows he did lie to her and that she has a right to be upset with him.

Back in the States, Kalani’s family was soon joined by her sister Kolini. Kolini has been a well of support for her sister and her sister really needed her to come with them as they met Asuelu’s family. Asuelu’s family has been demanding money. His mother has especially been demanding a lot of money because his side of the family tends to think Kalini is rich and that she should be able to give them cash gifts. Kalini is not rich. She doesn’t work and her husband only has a part-time job. Kalini and Asuelu make it by each month because her parents have been helping them out. And that’s all there is to it.

Kalini’s family were merely helping. They weren’t taking full responsibility for the two small children and the two adults. Kalini and Asuelu were so far making it by thanks in large part due to his paycheck. It was his paycheck that allowed them to purchase the necessities for their children. It was his paycheck that was paying for the gas. His same paycheck also doesn’t stretch too far. Asuelu didn’t have much in the way of savings and so he couldn’t give his mother the thousand dollars she asked for. The most he could give her were gifts. He bought the gifts at a Samoan shop and Asuelu and Kalani both believed these gifts would remind his mother of home.

Only the mother-in-law didn’t want gifts. She wanted money and Asuelu’s sisters believe Asuelu should put his mother before his own children. They didn’t care that he had to buy diapers. They didn’t care because they thought it was all his responsibility. The sisters had children of their own and they weren’t the ones sending money back to Samoa. Things were just different for Asuelu because he was a boy. He was expected to take care of everyone and Kalani wasn’t going to let that happen on her watch. Kalani was there to remind him of his priorities. And his priorities are his own children, not his greedy mother.

Larissa is having problems as well. She found out her relationship with Eric is pretty toxic and unfortunately, everyone tried to warn her, but she was the one that didn’t want to listen. She didn’t want to listen when her lawyer advised her against the relationship. She didn’t even want to listen to her best friend who kicked her out of her house once she found out Larissa got back together with Eric and so Larissa was very embarrassed when the relationship fell apart. She realized she shouldn’t have gotten back together with Eric. He did her dirty when they were broken. He reached out to her ex-husband and they discussed intimate details about Larissa that she was uncomfortable with.

Larissa also realized that no apology from Eric was going to fix things. It didn’t really matter at first anyways because Eric refused to an apology in the beginning and so it wasn’t until she took back his cell phone that he was willing to admit he was in the wrong. By then, Eric threw the fact Larissa was technically homeless back in her face. He was also very suggestive with his hands and he threw a real fit when he had been found out. Eric was a right jerk to Larissa. He demanded an apology from her and she never gave him one because she said she wasn’t going to apologize to a loser. And with those words, Larissa moved out of Eric’s place.

Over in South Africa, Syngin showed how excited he was to be back at home. He still views South Africa as home because he doesn’t like living in the States and so seeing him that happy has been slightly hard on his wife Tania. Tania wanted Syngin to be happy living with her. She wanted him to feel at home with her and he keeps repeating how much he hates in the States. He misses being able to see his family. He misses his friends. He even misses his old bar because Syngin still hasn’t quite grown up. He doesn’t want to give up partying and getting drunk almost every night. Syngin probably would have enjoyed the States more if Tania wasn’t injured.

Tania was in a nasty car accident. Her foot hasn’t healed just yet and she occasionally gets panic attacks in the car. Tania’s husband knows she gets panic attacks. He still laughed at her when she got scared by the way he was driving and so the marriage has more problems than just living in the States. There’s also a lack of consideration. Syngin doesn’t realize how rude it is to tell everyone he’s unhappy with his wife right there. It’s like he doesn’t understand how that would hurt his wife. She had to listen to his crap all over her country and by a certain point, it grew tiresome. Tania was tired of his complaints after a while.

Then everything came to a head in Moldova. Elizabeth and Andrei were getting married for the second time and there were fights all over the place before they could make it down the aisle. Andrei got into a fight with Elizabeth’s brother Charlie. It all started after Charlie was asking Andrei’s friends about Andrei and Andrei came out of nowhere by telling Charlie to shut up. He didn’t appreciate his brother-in-law asking about him. He said that his past was his private business and he was so rude about it that Charlie naturally took offense. He got up, Andrei got up, and the two men needed to be pulled apart before they could get into a physical altercation.

Andrei was so rude that he basically demanded that Elizabeth’s family go back to the States. He didn’t want them staying for the ceremony and that got his wife angry at him. Elizabeth didn’t send her family as Andrei wanted. She chose to ignore her husband because she wanted her family there with her and so that kicked off a fight between Andrei and Elizabeth. She wanted him to calm down and stop trying to fight her family. He meanwhile wanted her to be on his side. Its how he saw things. Andrei saw that there was his side and Charlie’s side and he thought his wife should choose him over her own brother.

Andrei failed to grasp simple things. Like how it was Elizabeth’s father that was paying for the wedding and that Chuck could just take his money back home to the States. Chuck didn’t owe Andrei a damn thing. It was Andrei who felt he was entitled to Chuck’s money and he wasn’t. Chuck was supporting Andrei’s whole life. He could easily fire his daughter and force Andrei to get a job, but he hasn’t done just that because he loves his daughter. He loved her enough to stay in Moldova after Andrei tried to kick him out of the country. And so things are going to be tense for a while between Andrei and his in-laws.

Over in Nigeria, Angela was discussing their possible future as a couple with her fiancé, Michael. Michael is young. He’s much younger than Angela and he doesn’t have children of his own. He would like to have children one day. He would like to have them with Angela and it was Angela’s age that was proving to be a roadblock. She was in her fifties. She was out of eggs and so they were going to have received medical assistance if they ever planned on having children together. Angela had asked Michael if he would still marry her if she couldn’t give him a child and he told her that yes he would still want to marry her. He also said his mother might not give them her blessing if they couldn’t have children together.

Michael then implied that his mother will be a problem. He was sure whether or not he would marry Angela if he didn’t have his mother’s blessing. It, therefore, didn’t matter that he supposedly still wanted to marry Angela because now they have to worry about his mother and what his mother thought about them having a baby. Michael could have taken the easier route. He could have just told Angela that he really wanted to have a baby and so mentioning his mother was a mere excuse for him. He knew his mother would come back with Michael taking a second wife because she wants Michael to have a baby just as much as he does.

Life back in the States took a turn for the worse when Kalani got into it with her in-laws. Asuelu sisters and his mother believe Asuelu should be sending money to his mother. Its what he used to do when he was living in Samoa and so his mother doesn’t understand why that has to change. She got upset when she didn’t more than a hundred dollars. She and her daughters were both angry. They were so aggrieved that they didn’t even want Kalani to speak up because they know she was the one that was stopping Asuelu from giving them the money they wanted. Asuelu’s family was so ticked off that his mother went back to the house and she refused to speak to either Asuelu or his wife.

Asuelu was very hurt by his mother’s reaction. She didn’t even care that he came all that way to see her or that he brought her grandchildren with him. All she cared about was the money. She didn’t seem to care about anything else and that includes her son. Asuelu once told his wife that he has to buy his family’s love and surprisingly it turned out to be true. His family didn’t want him. They wanted money.

And the great Brazil trip came to an end because Jess contacted Vanessa and Vanessa told her that she was still speaking with Colt every day. So, Jess packed up her stuff. She left the hotel with all of her things and she was going to stay with someone else.

